The Transport Group has developed a Vision of Sustainable Transport in Chepstow together with an associated plan of action.
The second update is now available for comment and can be viewed here. To supplement the main document a 2-sided overview has been prepared and can be found here. Feedback is welcome. Please send to
To implement the actions identified requires support. If you are able to help, or are part of a like-minded organisation with similar objectives then please get in touch.
If you would like to publicly support the plan by adding your name or organisation to the document then please contact us using the email address above.
A Vision for the Future:
To have a Transport system that is FIT for all journeys
where FIT means:
- Integrated: Modes of transport are linked together in an efficient
- Sustainable: Economically, Environmentally and Socially.
- Timely: Options available throughout the day when people need to travel.
- Safe: People should feel comfortable when traveling.
- Accessible: For residents, visitors and those passing through the area, especially those with disabilities.
- Targeted: Supports journeys to the right destinations, eg schools, employment areas.